Attentions for Buying Toilet

发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

Although everyone lives in a different house, and interior decoration and layout, and the household appliances and daily necessities are also different, the bathroom is a very important place for everyone. And the toilet can be regarded as the leading role. What kind of toilet is better and what should be paid attention to when buying a toilet are all issues need to be considered. Today, this article will give you a detailed toilet buying guide.

 Attentions for Buying Toilet


Try to choose well-known big brands, this need not say much. The sales and reputation of big brands are better, and the quality and after-sales service are more guaranteed.


When buying a Toilet, you should carefully check the surface. If you use high-quality glaze, the surface should be bright, smooth and full of color. In addition to checking the glaze, we should also pay attention to the drainage pipe of the toilet, which should be smooth, otherwise it will be easy to clog in the future use process.


Hydrovalve is a point that many people will ignore when buying. In fact, hydrovalve directly determines the life of the toilet. The quality of the hydrovalve of a good toilet is very different from that of an ordinary toilet. So we should not forget the hydrovalve when choosing toilets.

 Attentions for Buying Toilet


The price on the market varies from hundreds to thousands, and even some toilets need tens of thousands to buy. Before buying a toilet, you should make a budget range according to your economic situation and buy it according to the budget.   


The heavier the toilet, the better, because weight represents density. The weight of ordinary toilets is about 50kg, while that of better toilets is about 100kg.


Toilets with large diameter sewage pipes and better glazed surface have better blowdown effect, are not easy to hang dirty and prevent clogging.

Attentions for Buying Toilet

Water Tank

If the water tank is leaking, it is very difficult to discover unless there is obvious dripping sound. Blue ink can be dropped into the water ta

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